Choose Health

Choose Health

Tomorrow is National Fitness Day, so prepare yourself for a day of rejuvenating your mind and body. In todayโ€™s day and age, it can be hard to pay close attention to our habits that lead to our health. We are moving quickly, everyday, and fast food is the most convenient way to feed ourselves in our busy lives.

Letโ€™s remind ourselves why itโ€™s so important to be mindful of our health.

  • Take care of your health as a tribute to your loved ones. The greatest gift you could ever give someone who loves you is your presence. When you take care of your health, you are extending your life and the time you can spend with friends and family.
  • Our mental health and physical health go hand-in-hand. If you are physically healthy, your chances are huge that youโ€™ll have a happier mindset. Working out and eating healthy can help you fight off mental illnesses.
  • Challenge yourself to be a better version of yourself. We are constantly evolving and growing.
  • You will look your best. There is a visible reward for growing stronger and healthier. You will be glowing!

How can you fit fitness into your agenda for the day?

  • A morning meditation. Get your mind clear and in the right place for the day. Sit cross-legged on the floor in an upright position, with your hands on your knees. Close your eyes and inhale slowly, steadily. Hold for a few seconds, then release your breath. Focus on the feeling of your breath filling your lungs. Focus on your gratitude for being alive. Do this for ten minutes to reach โ€œzen-mode.โ€
  • A morning walk. Hear the birds, smell the morning air, watch the sunrise.
  • Go for a light swim. Glide through the water as the sounds are hushed around you. Feel the water rinsing you of the negativity.
  • Take the family to play miniature golf. While this takes little effort, getting your body moving around is the best thing to produce endorphins in your brain.
  • Exercise at your desk. Pinterest is great to find different stretches you can do, all while remaining seated in your desk chair.
  • Take a yoga class. There are numerous different kinds of yoga classes, ranging from beginner to advanced. Restorative yoga allows you to stay in painless, comfortable positions for 10-15 minutes while you relax and rejuvenate. Try a few different classes!

There are so many ways you could celebrate National Fitness Day. How will you improve your health today?

By: KayLynn P.

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