Morning Habits For a Brighter Day

Waking up in the morning can be a struggle. Thereโ€™s no glue stronger than the metaphorical glue that holds us to our beds in the morning. Itโ€™s the coziest, warmest place. โ€œUgh, donโ€™t make me get up. . . Just five more minutes, please. . .โ€

When we get out of bed in the morning, what are some habits we can create that can set the tone for a lovely day?

  1. Your first thoughts of the day should be the most positive. In your mind, say โ€œIโ€™m grateful for another day.โ€
    • Do you ever notice that when you have negative thoughts, everything seems to go downhill throughout the rest of your day? The opposite can happen with positive thoughts. When your thoughts say โ€œToday will be a great day,โ€ itโ€™s going to be hard for anyone or anything to bring you down.
  2. Wake up with plenty of time to get ready. Once youโ€™re awake, set an alarm for 20 minutes, close your eyes, and breathe deeply. A twenty minute meditation in the morning can combat anxiety and prepare you for your day with a calm, grounded attitude.
    • Meditation has been proven to have a wide array of benefits, such as lengthening your attention span, promoting general well-being, decreasing blood pressure, the list goes on.
  3. Make your bed. This can be your first accomplishment of the day, encouraging you to keep accomplishing more tasks during the day.
    • After a long day, thereโ€™s nothing better than pulling back the sheets and blanket and crawling into a clean, tidy bed.
  4. Healthy breakfast. Maybe a fruit smoothie, or protein-packed grains and nuts?
    • Science shows that eating fruit for breakfast can help detox your body, stimulate your digestive tract, and wake up your body with natural sugars. Make a fruit smoothie, cut up your favorite fresh fruit to top it off, and add some peanut butter for a delicious smoothie bowl.
  5. Do some light exercise. Stretch and drink some water before you get your body going in the morning with a quick jog outside, a few sit ups or squats, or some yoga.

By: KayLynn P.

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