5 Furnace Maintenance Tips

Be proactive before winter comes with proper home maintenance.

You know when it gets cold out, and one step outdoors can cause you to shiver and your teeth to chatter? You sit in your car taking advantage of the heat while you muster up the courage to brave the icy breeze. Then, you race inside, ears burning and all. But one of the best feelings is opening and closing the door behind you, and instantly thawing out by the warmth of your home.

Could you imagine if your furnace was broken during the winter months? Youโ€™d have to cocoon in 5 layers of sweaters and wrap up in fuzzy blankets. Plus, that would be a costly repair or replacement. There are steps you can take when switching from AC to heat to help prevent any issues.

  1. Turn on your heater to see if itโ€™s working at all. If you or someone you know is comfortable doing so, pull off the cover to peek inside. Make sure all connections are plugged in. If it does not work, see if there is a RESET button. If itโ€™s oil or gas, see that there is enough oil and if the gas supply is connected properly. If you canโ€™t diagnose the issue, call a professional to take a look.
  2. Change the filters. Do so every two months. A dirty filter will limit the airflow, which can cause damage over a period of time.
  3. You will need to clean your heat exchanger annually. This can also be done with the help of a professional if thatโ€™s a better option for you. If the heat exchanger is at all damaged, it can be a serious danger. Take action immediately to prevent a carbon monoxide leak.
  4. Check the furnace blower motor. It is located near the air filter. You will notice if thereโ€™s something wrong based on the way it sounds. If you can definitely hear thereโ€™s an issue, call a professional.
  5. Dirt can prevent how well your furnace works. If it appears dirty, cleaning it will support efficiency. Although this can be done by simply using a toothbrush, research how to clean the fan blades properly to prevent damage.

If there appears to be any slits in the seals around your windows or doors, this will cause the heat to seep out. When your heat is seeping outdoors instead of warming your home, this will cost you more money. You can make home improvements with the help of a professional.

Be sure to check all your vents. Ensure they are clean. Open all the vents to promote proper airflow in your home. Remove any items that are placed in front of a vent. Doing so will make sure the air circulation is moving throughout your entire home, keeping you cozy.

By: KayLynn P.

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