Battle of the Sexes

Dan is 24 and he just got a new car. It’s a 2010 Toyota Corolla. He’s purchasing his auto insurance today.
The insurance agent: “Okay, your quote came back at a $2,000 premium for a six month policy.”
Dan: “What?!” *Dan takes a second to ponder, how can he make his insurance cheaper?* “Oh, did I say I’m a male?! I totally meant to say female.”
IA: “But your name is Dan.”
Dan: “Miss, you must have misunderstood me. I said Jan.”
IA: “My, Jan, what a deep voice you have.”
Dan: “. . .”
IA: “Well, in that case, your premium will be reduced to $1,600. Can you send me a copy of your driver’s license so I may verify your gender?”
Dan: *Hangs up*

What a bummer. Your gender is mostly out of your control. You didn’t choose to come into this life as a man, yet, you have to pay approximately 20% (or more) for your insurance policy for that fact alone. Have you ever wondered why exactly you must pay more?
Men paying a higher rate is not based on discrimination, it’s based on facts. Based on the statistics that studies produced, here are the reasons why men pay more for car insurance.
1. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety provides statistics stating that in 2012, over 70% of car-accident related deaths were males.
2. Based on, in 2011, men were responsible for 80% of DUIs.
3. In 2012, 18% more males than females were speeding at the time of a fatal car-accident.
4. Also proven by statistics, more females than males were wearing seatbelts at the time of an accident.
5. Typically, men drive more miles than women.
6. Men are more likely to buy cars that are more costly to insure than women.
7. If you are under 25, you still have something to look forward to. With a clean record, your rates will drop when you turn 25.

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