Reckless Driving
Little kids don’t have to care about anything. Children are too young to have a worry in the world. Their biggest priority is when will they eat another chocolate chip cookie? Typically, the most harm they could do is cry about Mom saying no to dessert.
Adults? With age comes more responsibilities. Lack of responsibility could result in negatively impacting another person. Most of the time, it’s essential that adults are not careless. The only exception being when we’re dancing; let loose!
When is it especially not okay to be careless?
When you’re driving. It’s never okay to recklessly drive. Reckless driving means driving while showing disregard to the safety of those around you, or driving without thinking of the consequences of your decisions. Driving can be very dangerous and could badly injure or kill another human being.
What is considered “reckless driving”?
- Racing another car
- Swerving
- Running a stop sign
- Driving through railroad barriers
- Passing on a two-lane highway with a visibly approaching vehicle
- Putting on makeup
- Illegal U-turns
- Passing school busses with the stop signs out
- Most commonly, speeding 25 mph over the limit
Because it is illegal, doing these things will get you into trouble. Depending on the severity, reckless driving can be considered a serious crime. The penalty for getting caught depends on your states. If you are pulled over, you will face these potential consequences:
- Jail time
- Hefty fees
- Suspension of driving privileges
- Points on driving record
- Increase in auto insurance (potentially for up to ten years)
- Could also result in a misdemeanor on permanent record
The law regarding reckless driving depends on the state you live in. Please be safe and considerate on the roads.
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