A Yard, A White Picket Fence, a Dog and a Pool

A Yard, A White Picket Fence, a Dog and a Pool

It has been referred to as โ€œThe American Dreamโ€. It is homeownership, and it used to be described as a place in the suburbs with a yard, white picket fence and children playing on a swing set. But time marches on. That white picket fence may now be a homeowners’ association approved privacy plastic fence made with polyvinyl chloride (PVC). That metal swing set may now have to be made of โ€œnatural materialsโ€ and the pool may be a block away. It is still the American Dream though, and you need to know how to protect it.

For generations, families have done that with the help of homeowners insurance.

That pool that the community maintains? It is likely saving you time and money on upkeep and maintenance and probably is saving money on your homeowners insurance.

That white standard PVC fence is also likely covered under your homeowners insurance. What about that neighbor, visitor or delivery person who injures themselves while on your property? Likely covered under your homeowners’ liability protection.

So, while you may live in a neighborhood with easy-to-maintain yards with shorter driveways with rules on the type of fencing you can use, the premise is the same. Homeowners insurance protects your investment. It protects it from fire, vandalism, theft, storm damage and other calamities. But you should also know that not EVERYTHING is covered.

Flooding is not covered, for example, unless you seek specific flood insurance. Depending on where you live, you may not be covered from wildfires, earthquakes or sinkholes. This is where your independent insurance agent plays an important role. You start with your basic homeowners insurance plan, and they can show you where there may be gaps or risks in your coverage. Plus, they can show you how to save through bundling and other available discounts.

Contact us for a homeowners’ insurance policy review and free price quote today. Insure and protect your American Dream, no matter what form it may take.

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