The Cost of Canines: How Your Dog Affects Homeowners’ Insurance Premiums

The Cost of Canines: How Your Dog Affects Homeowners’ Insurance Premiums

Owning a dog can bring joy and companionship to your life, but it can also come with expenses. From food and grooming to toys and vet visits, the costs can add up. However, did you know that your furry friend might also impact your homeowners’ insurance premiums?

Some insurance companies consider themselves partially responsible if a dog causes an injury, which has led to certain companies denying coverage or adding surcharges for homeowners with breeds considered aggressive. Examples of breeds often categorized as aggressive include Pit Bulls, Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Siberian Huskies, and some wolf/dog hybrids. Only two states, Michigan and Pennsylvania, prohibit insurance companies from canceling or dropping policies solely based on the homeowner’s dog breed.

So, how much of a bite can your dog take out of your homeowners’ insurance premium? Typically, the increase is modest, around 2% to 3% of your total premium. The key is to inform your insurance company about your dog and its breed, ensuring you have adequate coverage in case any incidents occur. Concealing dog ownership from your homeowners’ insurance company is not advisable and may have serious consequences down the line.

Whether or not you have a dog, you undoubtedly want to avoid overpaying for homeowners’ insurance. Our independent insurance agents have access to multiple insurance companies and can guide you toward those that charge reasonable premiums, even if you own a dog. They will work on your behalf to find sufficient coverage at a price that fits your budget. Before making any decisions regarding your beloved Fido, allow us to assist you. Contact us today for a homeowners’ insurance review and quote to ensure you’re getting the most value for your money.

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