Five Life Insurance Resolutions for 2020

Five Life Insurance Resolutions for 2020

Most New Year’s resolutions revolve around health or wealth or weight. There is, however, value in making some resolutions involving other areas of your life, like, perhaps, life insurance. OK, so if you WERE to make resolutions about your life insurance for the next year, here are five aspects you should consider.

1.) Get life insurance. Let’s start at the basics here. If you do not have life insurance, you are not getting any younger, and life insurance likely won’t be getting any cheaper. If you become ill, you may not be able to get it at all. If you don’t have life insurance, make this the year to get it.

2.) Make sure your beneficiary is correct.ย Life changes. If you hadย life insurance as a single person and are nowย married or had life insurance when you were married but are now divorced, the odds are you may not have the proper beneficiary listed. If you are not comfortable with the prospect of your ex benefiting from your passing, make a resolution to get the appropriate personย listed as the beneficiary on your life insurance policy.

3.) Determine if you have an adequate amount of life insurance for your present situation. If you have recently gotten married, had a child, bought a house or got a promotion, your life insurance can quickly become inadequate. Connect with one of our independent life insurance agents to discuss your current life situation and how to determine the amount to protect your family.

4.) Make sure you have your policy and it is with your important papers. Of course, you’ll also want to make sure someone close to you knows where these papers, including your policy, are.

5.) Resolve to review your policy annually. Odds are pretty good you have neglected your life insurance needs. Resolve to not let it happen again. Use the first part of each year to reevaluate your insurance needs, including your life insurance.

As we head into the New Year, we will be happy to assist you with a no-cost, no-obligation insurance review. Not only will you have greater confidence you are properly protected, but you can also be assured you are getting the most competitive price. Contact one of our independent life insurance agents today and get the coverage you deserve at a price you can afford.

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