Encouraging Tips for this Tax Season

Encouraging Tips for this Tax Season

Anonymous: “People who complain about taxes can be divided into two classes: men and women.”

There are so many great things about being an adult. When we get older, we get to take on so many new, exciting responsibilities–including dishes, and laundry, and cleaning every surface of our homes. The best thing about being an adult? Tax season. It’s the greatest.

Just kidding. Tax season is about as bad as taking a big test in school–only taxes are more serious and involve our finances. When we start receiving our W-2s in the mail, it’s easy to get stressed out about tax season. Instead, we can be positive, and focus on the good things about tax season.

Here are some tips for a smoother tax season.

  • Remember: tax season is only rough until it’s over. Once you have your return, everything is worth it.
  • While doing your taxes may be a chore, it’s a chore that you get rewarded for.
  • If you owe taxes, you may not be withholding enough from each paycheck. This gives you an opportunity to adjust your withholdings for next year. Be hopeful about the future.
  • Plan ahead. Make sure you are organized and have all of the documents that you need to complete your taxes. Organization helps you be prepared and stay calm.
  • Did you know? Some donations are tax-deductible. Giving is encouraged when it comes to taxes.
  • Pay attention to the date. Time can move by faster than we realize–don’t miss the deadline. It’s on April 15th!
  • Plan out what you’re going to spend your tax return on. It’s like daydreaming, thinking of the check you’ll get. Are you going to save most of it? Are you going to take the kids on vacation? Finance a new car? There are so many opportunities.

Make your tax season stress free with a positive mindset.

By: KayLynn P.

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