Every Plant is Another Chance

Every Plant is Another Chance

If thereโ€™s one thing I do well, itโ€™s killing plants. On accident, of course. The only tip I can give you about gardening is this: if you know you kill all the plants, itโ€™s probably not a great idea to spend $75 on a bonsai tree. Donโ€™t be like me. With Spring here and a bonsaiโ€™s life on the line, I decided to surf the web for some tips from the expert gardeners who have gained knowledge through trial and error.

If youโ€™re looking for ways to enhance the lush greenery of your yard, check out this list of gardening tips Iโ€™ve compiled for you. Also provided are a few safety tips and other precautions to take while doing yard work.

  1. Create a solid foundation. To do this, you must pick a nutritious soil for your plant babies to thrive. So, whatโ€™s the recipe for good soil? A pinch of aeration, a dash of organic nutrients, and just the right amount of volume. Aeration is the looseness of your soil. Will your plants be able to easily work their roots through the soil?ย  If your soil is sandy, clay-like, or firm, it will be extremely difficult for your plants to thrive. Adding organic material–such as a fertilizer or the leftover veggies in the compost–infuses the soil with nutrients. Pick the right soil, and youโ€™re off to a great start.
  2. Ensure efficient drainage. Plants are a lot like you and me in the fact that they do not like to be clothed in soaking wet, soggy materials. Roots need oxygen. There are multiple ways to address the issue of bad drainage. When you build your garden, do so in a raised bed. You can build a water drainage system by digging a channel around the perimeter of the garden and direct the water elsewhere (the Internet has magical, step-by-step tutorials for you!) Drainage can also be improved using the right soil.
  3. Sunshine. Placement is key. The location you choose to plant the seeds is a vital part of your garden. Which spot in your yard gets the most sun exposure throughout the day?
    • Know where your property line ends and begins to avoid trespassing into your neighborโ€™s lawn.
  1. Plant at the perfect time. Do a little โ€œbackground checkโ€ on your plant babies to see when the proper time to plant is to ensure maximum health and life quality.

Though weโ€™re talking about gardening, this is still a post from your local insurance agency. Remember to be safe while youโ€™re gardening to prevent any accidents.

  • Stretch your muscles before spending the day working to prevent muscle strains and other injuries.
  • Dress appropriately for the occasion. Try to cover up your skin to prevent cuts. Wear gloves and comfortable shoes or boots.
  • Protect your children and pets from any dangerous tools you are using.
  • Be especially careful when you are digging to avoid bursting pipes.
  • Wear shoes when using a lawnmower.
  • If using cutters on trees or shrubs, make sure the blade is not too dull to avoid any abrasions.
  • Avoid working in the dark.

Wishing you a beautifully bloomed garden. Thank you for reading!

By: KayLynn P.

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