Fall Back

Sunday, at 2 A.M., our clocks will fall back one hour. Time to try and figure out how to change the clocks on your stove and in your car, yet again. This time of the year always has an impact on our lives. Soon, we will be leaving work when itโ€™s already dark. Here are a few tips on how to deal with this change in your life.

  1. The first thing is to remember to change your clocks. On Monday morning, you donโ€™t want to show up to work late, looking like you just rolled out of bed. Some of us are fortunate, with cell phones that automatically change the time for us.
  2. Take advantage of that extra hour. If you are sleep deprived, your body will indulge in that extra sleep. If you are not sleep deprived, you have the chance to stay up an extra hour.
  3. If you are all caught up on sleep, your body may naturally wake up before your alarm goes off. To avoid this, shut off all electronics an hour before bedtime. Relax and allow your body to calm down. Reading a book will help tire your eyes to promote sleep.
  4. Take the limited sun exposure into consideration. Lack of Vitamin D takes a toll on our health. Be conscious of how much sunlight youโ€™re getting. Take a walk outdoors on your lunch break when you can.
  5. This will be an adjustment. During the summer months, the sunโ€™s out until just before bed. Now, it will already be dark by the time you get home. To help your body adjust, try doing some light exercising after you have dinner. This can encourage your body to stay awake following dinner until your bedtime.

That single extra hour is a gift bestowed upon us. Think about all the reasons weโ€™re lucky to have time on this earth. Time is absolutely priceless!

By: KayLynn P.

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