6 Things You Can Do (or Stop Doing) Today to Extend Your Life

6 Things You Can Do (or Stop Doing) Today to Extend Your Life

Would you be surprised to learn that you have the power to extend your life? There are steps you can take to increase the odds of you living longer. It is neither magical nor mysteriousย but, inย many cases, it is common sense.

Quit Smoking

Smoking and tobacco use is so detrimental to a persons’ health that not being truthful about its use could invalidate a life insurance policy.ย An article in the New England Journal of Medicine states that smoking can take ten years off of the user’s life. The good news is that quitting smoking prior to the age of 40 can restore up to 90% of the time.

Drink More Water

Drinking more water can help flush toxins, keep you hydrated, and help maintain the performance levels of your liver and kidneys. Staying hydrated is particularly challenging as we age, so continue to drink fresh clean water as you age.

Get Active

You don’t have to become a gym rat or athlete to take advantage of using exercise to extend your lifespan. Experts say that about 150 minutes of moderate exercise weekly (like brisk walking) can extend a life to up to 7 years!

Eat Your Vegetables

While the debate rages on the health benefits of being a vegetarian, Loma Linda University says that the lifestyle can extend theย lifespan of women by 6.1 years and men by 9.5 years.

Get Married

While women have an average longer lifespanย than men, men can extend theirsย by tying the knot. Married men can live up to 2.5 years longer than single men and married women can live up to 2.1 years longer that single women.

Wear a Seat Belt

Estimates place the number of lives saved annually through the use of seatbelts at about 15,000. It should also be noted that about 2,500 additional lives could have been saved through seatbelt use.

Life is valuable and why it is so worth insuring. Do you have sufficient life insurance? If not, or if you are not sure, we encourage you to contact us to discuss your options. Life insurance can be extremely affordable, especially when purchased at a young age and when healthy. Get your free quote by connecting with us today.

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