Fun Facts About Pi(e)!

Happy Pi Day

Fun Facts About Pi(e)!

When I think of pie, my stomach growls. For others, the word โ€œpiโ€ makes them geek out over numbers. To each his own, I suppose.

In honor of Pi Day, here are some fun and interesting tidbits!

Fun Facts About Pi

  • To refresh your memory, Pi is the ratio of a circleโ€™s circumference to its diameter.
  • How many digits of Pi do you know? According to Guinness Book of World Records, on March 21, 2015, Rajveer Meena broke a record as she recited 70,000 decimal points of Pi in ten hours, while wearing a blindfold. Wow. Meanwhile, I donโ€™t even have my grandmotherโ€™s phone number memorized.
  • Author Mike Keith wrote a book in the โ€œPi languageโ€ called Pilish, where each word length corresponds with the next decimal of Pi. The first three words of the book are โ€œNow I fall,โ€ which corresponds with the first three numbers of Pi โ€œ14โ€
  • The most epic Pi celebration happened on 03/14/15 at 9:26:53, when all the math geeks celebrated a once in a century opportunity.
  • We will never find the exact value of Pi. It will forever remain a mystery.

Fun Facts About Pie!

  • Psst. . . There may be a restaurant near you with one day every week designated to giving away free slices of pie! Take advantage!
  • According to, 1 in 5 Americans claims to have eaten a whole pie by themselves. I have absolutely done this before.
  • com gives a fact that estimates $700 million is spent on pies in grocery stores annually. This is not including the free pie you got at the restaurant or your famous homemade pie, just grocery store pies!

Whether youโ€™re a math genius, or a dessert lover, we can all find something to enjoy about Pi Day!

By: KayLynn P.

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