What Your House Should Always Have “Extras” Of

What Your House Should Always Have “Extras” Of

Events of recent years may have taught us some valuable lessons. One, of course, is that we should always have an ample supply of certain foods and dry goods. Here are some items your home should always have a supply of.

Paper Products

Toilet paper, facial tissues, and paper towels will never “spoil” and, in an emergency, can be used interchangeably. There may be more toilet tissue in the closets of homes today than ever before.

Bleach and Cleaning Products

It was amazing how quickly stores ran out of bleach and cleaning products during the pandemic. An extra bottle of bleach or two and backups of your favorite cleaning products should be commonplace in homes today.

Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is inexpensive, available and easy to store. It should be no problem keeping a back-up bottle or two on hand.

Canned Foods

A pantry full of canned goods can help bring some peace of mind into your home. A nice inventory of canned tuna, chicken, beef stew, soups, and more can easily provide weeks of backup meals in case of an emergency. Many homes in hurricane prone areas already do this as part of their annual hurricane season preparations.

Dry Foods

Rice, flour, instant potatoes, and pre-packaged boxed foods can stretch your back-up food supply inexpensively.

You don’t have to be paranoid or a prepper to be ready for the next emergency. Keep some cash on hand, a supply of fresh batteries, flashlights, and a battery-operated radio, and even an extra propane tank for your outdoor grill. It is a lot easier to prepare slowly and efficiently than to respond in a panic.

Is your home insurance keeping up with the times? Do you know what you are covered for and up to what limits? Now is the time to find out. Contact one of our independent homeowners’ insurance agents for your no-obligation home insurance review and price quote. We look forward to assisting you.

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