Insurance Term of the Day: MedPay

Insurance Term of the Day: MedPay

The moments following a car accident are overwhelming. Snapping back into reality after a detrimental event can be tough. It all feels surreal. You feel like itโ€™s a dream until youโ€™re pinched, and you wake up. By โ€œpinchโ€, I mean, the pain of the accident suddenly hits you.

A car accident is terrifying. Once you realize youโ€™re grateful youโ€™re still alive, it gets better. When youโ€™re injured, though, the pain can last weeks, months, even years. We all wish we could just leave the pain at the scene of the car crash, but unfortunately, it follows you.

When all these things happen so quickly, it can be hard to deal with the pain, the anxiety, and the reality of losing your vehicle. The only support system that provides any kind of relief following an accident is your insurance company. For this reason, itโ€™s essential to have sufficient, proper coverages to ensure a swift, effortless recovery.

Next time youโ€™re purchasing your auto insurance, be cautious of which coverages you are declining. These coverages become a lifesaver in the event of an accident. One of the important coverages that is often overlooked is called MedPay, or, Medical Payments coverage. Check your auto policy to see if you have MedPay on your policy, or not.

What is MedPay?

MedPay provides coverage for medical payments for the insured and any additional passengers in the car. MedPay is coverage for any injuries to you and other passengers as a result of an accident. Itโ€™s the financial cushion that prevents stress and debt. MedPay provides coverage regardless of whoโ€™s at fault in the accident.

How does MedPay vary state by state?

  1. Some states require MedPay, while other states do not provide the coverage at all.
  2. Depending on the state and insurance company, the maximum policy limits will vary.
  3. Some states require you to have MedPay on every vehicle on the insurance policy; the insurance company will not put MedPay on only one vehicle. The limits are required to be the same for every vehicle.

What are a few examples of what MedPay covers?ย 

  • Emergency rooms visit fees, including ambulance
  • Any surgery or x-rays required as a result of the accident
  • Other doctorsโ€™ bills

Ask your independent insurance agent exactly what MedPay will cover based on your insurance company. Coverages vary.

By: KayLynn P.

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