Think Twice Before Cutting Back on Business Insurance

Think Twice Before Cutting Back on Business Insurance

We have recently heard the phrases “uncertain times”, “the new-normal”, and “we are in this together.”,ย quite frequently. The reality is, the economyย is in flux and businesses need to be proactive in taking steps to ensure their futures. For some, this may mean lay-offs and furloughs. For others it may mean getting more tasks done from home. For others it will mean cutting back on hours and keeping a closer eye on business expenses.

One has to be cautious, however, in making cutbacks designed to protect your future. In advertising, for example, if a business would totally cut back onย their marketing budgets, going out of business may be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead, a better option may be negotiating with your media of choice in getting more bang for your advertising dollars. They too, are looking for solutions in maintaining market share.

Businesses also need to consider very carefully before cutting back on business insurance. Eliminating or reducing coverage may place your company in jeopardy. This could potentially turn what is a relatively short-term problem into a situation with permanent ramifications. Instead, contact your independent insurance agent to discuss options. You may be able to increase deductibles or make other adjustments. Our independent insurance agents can even re-quote your coverage, using multiple companies to find the coverage you need at a price you can afford. To simply drop coverage without looking at other options could have dire consequences. Instead, reach out and let’s discuss your situation.

Challenging times can create the need for innovative solutions and decisive decision making. But those decisions don’t necessarily have to be radical or risky. If your business has been negatively impacted by the events of the day, let us do what we do best. Let us help find you loss prevention solutions that you can still maintain and afford. Contact us today for a no cost, no-obligation quote. We promise to work diligently in getting you the protection you deserve to continue to protect your business at the highest possible level.

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