white car in an accident isolated on a white background

Before I had a job, I didnโ€™t have money to buy a car nor transportation to get to work. I still remember asking numerous people for rides home from school to avoid the hour-long bus ride to my house about five minutes from the school. Finally, my step-dad bought me a car, and grateful is an understatement for how I felt.

I loved that car. It was a pearly-white, 2002 Lincoln LS. I named the car Ivory. That car took me everywhere, I practically lived in it after I first got it. Iโ€™m sure you remember the way you felt about the freedom of your first car.

From Kansas, Ivory took me to Colorado to live with my best friend. I ended up here by myself, though, living and working, trying out the world of adulthood, which wasnโ€™t at all as I had planned it would be. It was much, much more expensive.

In September of 2017, I got into a car accident. I was T-boned by a driver turning left on a yield-to-turn light. He hit my driverโ€™s side door. I was devastated. My first concern was the well-being of the other driver, followed by the concern of the loss of my vehicle.

My car was totaled. I didnโ€™t even know enough people to have a ride home from the scene. Luckily, the driver behind me pulled off and stayed with me in the cold the entire time while the police came, the tow-truck came, and then she took me home.

I was by myself, in another state. Barely scraping up the money to pay bills each month, I hardly had money to Uber around to work and doctorโ€™s appointments for my injuries.

Because this accident wasnโ€™t my fault, I assumed I would be taken care of. Iโ€™d get compensation for my vehicle and injuries, and I wouldnโ€™t have to worry.

I found out a few days later that this wasnโ€™t the case. Although he had written down insurance information, it wasnโ€™t valid. The driver who hit my car was uninsured.

Not only was I injured and in pain, I was intensely anxious, and without a car. Before realizing the driver was uninsured, I visited an Urgent Care, a chiropractor, and got X-rays for my injuries.

I now had medical bills to pay for, a new car to purchase, and a tremendous amount of pain and anxiety to deal with. All of this wasnโ€™t my fault.


The point of my story isnโ€™t to throw a pity party. This is a real-life example of what someone will go through if an uninsured driver hits them. Therefore, insurance is essential to owning and driving a vehicle.

ย By: KayLynn

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