Keep Your Precious Pet in its Prime

Pets are like the image of pure love. You find your furry friend one day, and you can immediately tell it’s meant to be. Your pet makes you laugh like no one else, can tell when your sad, and console you all without saying a word. Your pet will sleep and cuddle with you when you have no one else. Love from a fur baby makes you feel like you’re doing something right in this world.

Even thinking about losing one of my pets tugs at my heart. So what can I do to prolong the life of my fur-baby?

  • Make your home a pet-friendly Ingesting different plants can make your animal very sick, so be sure to keep those plants out of the house. Also, keep a lid on your garbage to try to mask the smell of any leftovers in the trash—just in case your garbage contains anything toxic for your fur-baby.
  • Maintain a well-balanced diet for your pet. Try to refrain from throwing too many scraps on the ground for your pet. Do some research on what ingredients to avoid in your cat/dog food. Some of the things used to make their food isn’t always healthy for your pet.
  • Exercise is essential. Exercise your pet to maintain a healthy weight. Have lots of toys laying around for them, too. Staying active goes hand in hand with your pet’s mental health, too.
  • An important factor that often gets overlooked is the mental health of your pet. Do you have a pet that seems to know when you are sad? Your pet can feel your emotions because he/she has emotions as well. While your pet is improving your mental health, be sure to take into account how your cat/dog is feeling as well.
  • Fill your pet with all the love and attention that you possibly can.

If your pet is healthy it will be cheaper to insure, allowing you to keep up with veterinary check-ups.

 By: KayLynn

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