Four Amazing Years in Cinema History and the Films That Fueled Them

Four Amazing Years in Cinema History and the Films That Fueled Them

Like vintage wines, some years provided exceptional quality when it came to the cinematic products that were produced. Here are four years that many consider to be the best in film history. This subjective list is presented in chronological order.


If there is one year that can be considered Hollywood’s benchmark year, its gold standard, it is 1939. โ€œGone With the Windโ€ became the first color motion picture to win Best Movie of the Year Award and the film swept every major category. It launched the entire industry into a new era and set higher expectations for future film making endeavors. But one film doesn’t make an epic year on its own. โ€œThe Wizard of Ozโ€ also came out in 1939 as did other classics like โ€œStagecoachโ€, โ€œMr. Smith Goes to Washingtonโ€ and others. It is almost hard to imagine these films were produced over 80 years ago.

The sixties were a time of change and upheaval. That was reflected in the movies of 1967, including the Movie of the Year , โ€œIn the Heat of the Nightโ€. The year was also punctuated with Sidney Portier’s โ€œGuess Who’s Coming to Dinnerโ€. โ€œThe Graduateโ€, :Cool Hand Lukeโ€ and โ€œBonnie and Clydeโ€. America was growing up and we were now seeing things on the big screen it had never experienced before.


Movies in 1994 ranged from iconic to cultish to just plain crude. One thing is for sure, viewers had a diverse selection to choose from. Tom Hanks stunned and amused us with his performance in โ€œForrest Gumpโ€ while John Travolta starred in โ€œPulp Fictionโ€. Independent studios began hitting their stride but mainstream studios were still putting out classics like โ€œThe Lion Kingโ€. โ€œThe Pianoโ€ and โ€œThe Fugitiveโ€ both of which won Oscars. The year also gave us a lot of low hanging fruit in โ€œAce Ventura: Pet Detective: and โ€œDumb and Dumberโ€.


If any year could compete with 1939 as the best in cinematic history, it could be 1999. The year was packed with unique, original stories and films that have stood the test of time. These include โ€œThe Green Mileโ€, โ€œFight Clubโ€, Matrixโ€, โ€œThe Sixth Senseโ€, โ€œGirl Interruptedโ€, โ€œEyes Wide Shutโ€ and others. The year was filled with non-stop hits and blockbusters.

The rise of independent film productions in the 1990s changed movies forever. It allowed for more creativity and options. Such is the case with independent insurance companies. We give you more options when it comes to home, life, auto and business insurance. Let us compare companies and rates for you. It could just be a banner year when it comes to saving money on your insurance.

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