National Day of Encouragement September 12th

Remember the old saying, โ€œSticks and stones may break my bones but. . .โ€ words CAN hurt. Words are powerful–they can be sharp like knives and painful, or soothing and healing. When you speak, do you consider your tone of voice or the impact of what you say? In elementary school, we were taught to โ€œthink before we speak,โ€ did you carry that with you into adulthood? Imagine what we can do if we choose to use our words in a positive way.

The best way to use our words to positively impact another being is encouragement. The definition of encouragement from Googleโ€™s dictionary is โ€œthe action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope. How do you feel when you receive encouragement? Do you feel motivated to continue to do a great job? How can you observe today as National Day of Encouragement?

  • Observe others in your workplace. If you see someone is working extra hard today, point out to them that you recognize their
  • If possible, do a task usually performed by a coworker, to take it off their hands.
  • Bring donuts or homemade cookies to encourage the office to have a great start to the day!
  • If you see something you like about someone, tell them! Sincere compliments will give that person a boost of confidence.
  • If you notice someone doing something nice for someone else, approach them and recognize their kindness. This will encourage further acts of kindness.
  • Joy is contagious–being positive will encourage positivity in others.
  • Bring someone a flower–whether theyโ€™re having a tough time, or theyโ€™re excelling at work, itโ€™ll make their day.
  • Smiles are truly, positively contagious!


Small acts of encouragement can go a long way. Not only will you make someone else feel good, but youโ€™ll feel good yourself. There are numerous ways to spread positivity and encouragement; not just today, but every day!

By: KayLynn P.

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