Dog Etiquette for Homeowners

Dog Etiquette for Homeowners

Approaching someone else’s pet has its own set of rules. You should never give it a treat or anything to eat, for that matter. Without approval of the owner,ย you shouldn’t reach down and pet an unknown animal without permission from the owner or by asking โ€œIs he friendly?โ€ You should keep small children away from dogs unless the owner signals approval.

There are also a variety of steps that should be taken by homeowners who own dogs in a neighborhood.

A Constantly Barking Dog Can Be (Is) Annoying

Sure, dogs bark, and as an owner, you may even be able to tune it out. But a dog that constantly barks or who barks outside at night is annoying. There is training available and even devices that can be purchased to minimize a dog’s incessant barking. Don’t wait for an anonymous note to show up in your mailbox or a visit from Animal Control to take action.

Don’t Allow Your Dog to Roam the Neighborhood

If you don’t have a fenced-in yard, attach your dog to a leash when placing him outside. An unattended dog may take the opportunity to visit other areas of town, leaving you to put up wanted posters. Worse yet, he could get hurt by accident or even harm someone else.

Keep Dogs Leashed When Walking

Sure, your dog may be friendly, harmless, lovable and may know a good joke or two, but others don’t know that. Keeping a dog leashed and โ€œreeling him in when others approach is good dog etiquette.

Pick Up After Your Dog

Be prepared to clean up after your dog when going for a walk. It is not only poor etiquette to leave his mess on a neighbor’s lawn, but it is rude. The same holds true for parks and bike and walking trails.

Notify Your Homeowners’ Insurance Company

If you get a dog, it is your responsibility to notify your home insurance company. While it may orย may not cause a change in your premiums, at least you’ll have the peace of mind knowing you are covered should your dog bite or otherwise cause harm to a visitor orย delivery person. In some instances, breed restrictions may impact coverage. It is best to let them know.

There are a lot of things that go into being a good neighbor. Being respectful, taking care of your property, pet etiquette and carrying proper home insurance are just a few. If you have questions about homeowners’ insurance or would like a free quote, we encourage you to contact us.

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