Seven Steps to a Better Night’s Sleep

Seven Steps to a Better Night’s Sleep

Poor sleep can lead to a myriad of problems including depression, weight gain, and lack of energy. If you find yourself struggling to get a consistent, quality sleep at night, try these seven steps to an improved sleep experience.

  1. Invest in a Quality Mattress

Invariably, people who purchase a quality, comfortable mattress wish they had made the decision years earlier. When you consider the amount of time spend in bed (33% of your life!) and how critical sleep is to your daily life, investing in a superior mattress is a wise decision and one of the first steps you should take to improve your sleeping experience.

  1. Create an Inviting, Restful Atmosphere

Your bedroom should be a replace to recharge. Most people will sleep better in a quiet, dark space that is cool. Avoid TV or other device screens that emit light. Use darkening curtains. Consider a fan if the ambient noise seems soothing. Invest in quality bedding and pillows that provide comfort. Don’t point digital clock or clock radios at head level.

  1. Pay Attention to What You Eat and Drink Prior to Bedtime

Most people sleep better when they are neither hungry or full. Avoid large meals close to bedtime. Minimize intake of caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco as bedtime approaches. While alcohol may help you initially fall asleep it can have negative affects later in the night.

  1. Try to Maintain a  Consistent Sleep Schedule

Try to keep a similar sleep schedule every evening, including weekends. Your bedtime schedule shouldn’t vary by more than 20 or 30 minutes nightly. Try to carve out time for a quality 8 hours of sleep.

  1. Include Physical Activity in Your Daily Routine

Make sure you have physical active periods throughout the day, but not too close to bedtime.

  1. Limit Your Worries

Resting your mind is important when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. Try to limit thinking about unfinished business. Writing down your concerns and what you need to accomplish the following day can help clear the mental slate. Meditation can help, as can taking steps to get organized so you feel like there are less loose ends.

  1. Consider Aromatherapy

Lavender is considered one of the great natural aromas for getting the body and mind to relax. Consider natural lavender oils and even a light spray on pillow and sheets prior to sleeping.

If the above steps don’t seem to help and if sleep deprivation is manifesting itself in physical issues, consider scheduling a visit with your physician. Taking the time, making the effort and investing in a good night’s sleep can pay amazing dividends!

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