What You Should Know About College Living Spaces

What You Should Know About College Living Spaces

It is the best of times and the worst of times. You are sending your โ€œchildโ€ off to college, another if life’s little mileposts reminding you the clock is ticking. That sadness, however, can quickly be replaced with pride and just aย bit more time of your own at home.

Life at college just may not be the same experience you had, however. Here are some things to consider before Johnny or Jane heads out the door.

Your Choice May Be Limited

If your student is a freshman, or in some cases, even if they are a sophomore, they may be required to live on-campus in a traditional dorm. Check with your college or university to see if off-campus living may be an option.

Choosing Between Furnished or Unfurnished

You probably will have the option of some furnished or non-furnished apartment options. Choosing furnished living spaces may be worth considering, especially if the distance between home and campus is significant. If the difference in costs between furnished and unfurnished is doable, moving less furniture can be enticing. Keep in mind, it will also reduce work during a move-out.

The Joys of Modern Living

Most major campus areas feature at least one new or nearly new housing student living option filled with amenities. These may include game rooms, fitness centers, study areas, pools, basketball courts and more. These facilities can help to keep your student involved and active while โ€œat homeโ€, which could ultimately save you money and keep them close to their apartment.

Sharing a Large Home

Sharing a large home with roommates is still an option for many, but be sure to fully understand the lease to realizeย who is responsible for the lease and for how much.

Sharing Spaces with Individual Leases

The best option in reducing expenses is sharing a common space with individual leases for the rooms that each roommate inhabits. This limits your exposure on the lease to your student. If another individual doesn’t live up to the terms of their lease, it is on them.

Consider Renters’ Insurance

Check with your independent insurance agent to see how renters’ insurance can help protect the belongings of your student while limiting their liability should someone get injured while in a rented property. Renters’ insurance is inexpensive and provides valuable coverage and peace of mind.

Like homeowners’ insurance, renters insurance provides multiple benefits, but you need to contact one of our professionals to fully understand the benefits and limitations. We can help. Connect with us to talk about if renters’ insurance and your options. We look forward to assisting you.

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