Preventing Slip and Falls at Your Business

Preventing Slip and Falls at Your Business

Business slip and fall accidentย settlements can range from $20,000 into the millions of dollars. Everyday small and big businesses alike are being sued by customers and delivery people for wet floors, cracked pavement and poor signage that leads to a fall and injury. This not only affects the insurance companies who pay the claims, but increases the costs of liability insurance for businesses to protect themselves. Everyone has a vested interest in minimizing slip and fall accidents and the resulting litigation. Here is how you can better protect your business from becoming the victim of slip and fall litigation.

Demonstrate a Commitment to Safety

How your business demonstrates its diligence about visitor safety can go a long way in defending against a slip and fall lawsuit. This includes written policies about how you handle spills, leaks and other potential hazards. Make sure your organization has clear guidelines on how traffic areas with potential problems should be effectively handled to prevent and mitigateย slip and falls.

Have Appropriate Signage

If you have consumer foot traffic, appropriate signage is critical in keeping visitors safe. Have signage that warns about hazardous and work areas. Use pylons and caution tape to warn visitors about potential problems. Make sure you have appropriate signage when it is necessary.

Make Sure Lighting is Adequate

Insufficient lighting is a cause of many slip and fall claims. Replace failed or failing lighting promptly and constantly look for ways to improve lighting where visitors frequent.

Mark Elevation Changes

Whether it is a ramp or a step or stairs, elevation changes need to be clearly marked. Handrails may improve the safety of these areas. The edge of steps should be brightly and clearly marked.

Improve Traction of Potentially Slippery Surfaces

Flooring can become slippery due to moisture, oil, sand and a variety of other substances. Many times, these surfaces can be improved to provide better traction. This can be an investment well-worth making.

In many cases, limiting the risk of slip and fall incidents just takes a fresh view and a walk-thru. Consider that visitors may be older or younger than you, may have limited mobility and may even be sight impaired. Most importantly, you need to respond promptly when you become aware of a potential issue.

Do you have appropriate protection against a liability for your business? Contact our independent agents and let’s conduct a business insurance review. Let’s work together in protecting your visitors, your business and your assets.

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