The Grass is Greener

The Grass is Greener

We always say โ€œthe grass is greener on the other side.โ€

Is this relatable to you? Is the grass literally greener on the other side of the fence, perhaps, in your neighborโ€™s yard?

The truth is, the grass can be just as green in your lawn too. As you tend to and care for your lawn, putting time and effort into the health of your grass, you wonโ€™t even need to compare the lawn to your neighborโ€™s anymore.

Itโ€™s Spring time! What are some ways we can maintain our lawn this season?

  • Wait until your lawn has returned to its natural green color, all over the yard. If you start mowing your lawn too early, you could stunt the growth of new shoots before they have the chance to bloom. In this case, you run the risk of negatively impacting an otherwise luscious, green lawn.
  • The first step in maintaining your lawn following the winter months should be to rake the lawn. Just as we plow soil before planting seeds in the garden, we should loosen the soil and any compacted areas to assist the growth of the grass.
  • Hold off on watering the grass at first. The roots of the grass will begin to grow first. In dry soil, the roots will grow deep into the ground, creating a solid foundation for the grass to grow. says that if you walk across your grass and the blades donโ€™t bounce back, itโ€™s time to water. Install a sprinkler system for quick, effortless watering of the grass.
  • Pulling weeds in the spring will help enhance the growth of grass in the summer. Weeds and grass are rivals and do not support each otherโ€™s growth.
  • Get your lawnmower prepared for duty. Clean the undercarriage, removing any dirt and grass clippings. Replace the spark plug and change the oil. Maintaining your lawn mower will make mowing the grass easier for you. Have a professional check your lawn mower, if possible.
  • When the weather warms up, the grass begins to soak up nutrients to assist its growth. Apply a layer of fertilizer to help speed up the process.

Taking these extra steps to ensure your lawn is luscious will have neighbors knocking on your door asking what you did to your lawn. The grass can be greener on your side of the fence with a little extra effort.

By: KayLynn P.

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