The Reality that is Active Shooter Insurance

Think of all the people that own/drive a car.

Think of all the people that own/rent a house or apartment.

Think of all the people that visit a doctor.

Thereโ€™s a necessity for cars, homes, and doctorโ€™s appointments, which results in a need for automobile, home, and health insurance.

Consider this:

There is an increasing need for a new type of insurance called Active Shooter Insurance.

There have been so many mass shootings that we now must protect our businesses and schools and the people within it with this type of insurance.

Before I could try to understand what this insurance is for, I had to get past the idea why it was needed in the first place.

70% of incidences between 2000 and 2013 occurred in an educational or a business environment. These mass shootings happened in forty of the fifty states, killing over 1,000 people. Given that it has been about five years since this study, the numbers are continually growing. In 2016 there were 384 mass shootings, followed by 346 in 2017. Active Shooter Insurance or Workplace Violence Insurance secures the business financially, whether it be staff, visitors or students, in the event of a shooting. These kinds of places have frequent visitors that come and go, making it a little more difficult to ensure safety.

In case of an incident, this insurance covers expenses from physical and emotional harm to any individual. If one of these individuals feels the company neglected to take the right prevention precautions, this insurance covers the company in a lawsuit as well. Coverages range from 1 million dollars to 20 million dollars depending on the amount of coverage and price the company is willing to pay.

ย By: KayLynn

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