The Ultimate Guide To Being Beach Body Ready!

The Ultimate Guide To Being Beach Body Ready!

Summer is so close; we can taste it! You know what that means, right? It means itโ€™s time to get our swimsuit bodies ready! I know, itโ€™s not easy, and itโ€™s no oneโ€™s favorite time of year.

So, I have compiled a list of everything you need to get your swimsuit body ready. You will need:

  • Your body
  • A swimsuit
  • A dash of self-love (at least)

Can you believe this? After countless weight-loss books and diet plans, the truth is finally coming out. Losing weight is not going to satisfy that deep yearning you have; itโ€™s not going to fill the void. The truth is: the only way to truly be ready for the beach is to honor, appreciate, and love yourself and your body. At this moment, the only moment that exists right now, do you accept and love every part and every flaw? When you learn to look at your flaws with a new light, they donโ€™t look much like flaws anymore. Rather, theyโ€™re features–and theyโ€™re only featured on you. Honor who and where you are at in your journey in this present moment.

Loving yourself starts within, and then is reflected outward–in your appearance, and in the way you treat others.

Beauty is not something you seek externally. The desire for beauty itself comes from the soul.

Thereโ€™s a part of you that no external force can take away from you. Thereโ€™s a part of you that no one could get their hands on to change even if they tried. Your heart speaks the language of this part of you. You must listen to this part of yourself, because it is where both beauty and love reside.

Pull the weeds in your mental garden that do not produce good fruit. Pull the weeds of self-doubt, self-pity, jealousy. Plant a new seed and nurture it until it blooms. See that you have produced good fruit. Now you may use the fruit to nourish others, as you have nourished yourself.

Loving yourself isnโ€™t about changing your appearance and aspects of yourself until you love the results. Love yourself first, and the love will take care of all the rest. Love will take every aspect of who you already are, and shape you into something even better.

By: KayLynn P.

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