Tips for Buying a Backyard Play Set for Your Kids

Tips for Buying a Backyard Play Set for Your Kids

Traditional backyard swing sets have largely been replaced by more elaborate play sets, constructed of wood, ladders, plastic slides, monkey bars and play houses. Some of the more extensive play set combinations can cost into the thousands of dollars. This can be quite the investment, especially for the few fleeting years your child may enjoy it. There are some tips, however, to make sure your child’s experience is a safe one and you get the most value from your investment. Here are a few.

Choose Features Your Child Will Enjoy Today and Tomorrow

Leave room for your child to grow and his skills to improve. A play set should be fun but it should also improve their physical skills.

Select a Play Set Appropriate for the Available Space

Don’t allow your eyes to become bigger than your stomach when selecting a play set. The set should not overwhelm your space and children should be able to have sufficient space to fully enjoy it.

Choose and Prepare the Right Site

Select a level site preferably in some shade to set up the play set, keeping it away from outbuildings, fencing and concrete. The ground should be leveled and covered in a mulch or other product that lessens the impact of inevitable falls.

Get Skilled Help in Building the Play Set

Building a play set is not a one person job. Getting skilled help can be invaluable in making sure the set is set up safely and properly. Check all bolts are tightened after the set is completely assembled.

Check and Maintain the Set Regularly

Vibrations from use and temperature changes can loosen bolts over time. Wood can crack or splinter. Plastic can age and chip and crack. Be sure your child is safe by routinely performing maintenance checks on the play set. A properly maintained set will also last longer and keep its value.

Save Assembly Instructions

Eventually, you will want to sell or pass along your set. Having the original assemble instructions could be invaluable for whoever gets the set after your use.

Check with your homeowners’ insurance agent to notify them you have added a play set to your property. This will ensure you are properly covered in case of accident or injury. If it has been a while since you’ve had a homeowners’ insurance review, now may be a good time. Connect with us for a no obligation review and price quote.


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