What makes you happy?

Live music and beautiful skies spark my joy. Nothing beats a hike in the beautiful Rocky Mountains to relieve any tension from a stressful day. These things make me happy, but whatโ€™s really causing that sense of general wellbeing?


Hereโ€™s the science behind the feeling of happiness.

Endorphins are one of the brain chemicals we call neurotransmitters. They are โ€œchemical messengersโ€ manufactured by the central nervous system that cause emotions. These chemicals in your brain make you feel focused and promote bliss by reacting with receptors in your brain. When these neurotransmitters are being produced, the pineal gland releases them directly into your blood stream, giving you a sense of euphoria.

So what signals the release of endorphins?

  1. It does wonders to your bodyโ€™s ability to respond to stressors. Exercise helps with the communication between the systems involved with handling stress in your body.
  2. Healthy Diet. Processed foods may be easy and quick for on-the-go snacks, but they interfere with the brainโ€™s proper chemistry. Replace these with plant protein and healthy fats to promote the flow of happy chemicals in your brain.
  3. Laughter: Medicine for the soul.
  4. It is scientifically proven that specific scents interact with your brain in a way that enhances endorphins production. Try some lavender to ease anxiety and make room for endorphins.
  5. Ommmmโ€”clear your mind and focus instead on the positives. Release all the negative emotions and feelings that can block the flow of uplifting chemicals in yourself. Meditation produces endorphins, along with other brain chemicals that promote a sense of wellbeing.

ย By: KayLynn

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