Five Cost-Effective Marketing Ideas for a Small Business

Five Cost-Effective Marketing Ideas for a Small Business

If you have a small business, you understand the importance of name recognition and keeping new prospects and customers flowing in. You are also probably faced with minimal resources when it comes to advertising and marketing. Here are five cost-effective marketing ideas small business can use to gain more attention and customers.

  1. If you have a storefront, maximize use of the space available. There are advantages and disadvantages to a bricks and mortar location. One of the benefits is the visibility it provides you. Make use ofย sidewalk and window signage to gain attention. Have brochures, your own coupons and business cards available at the counter or check-out area. Keep in-store displays attractive and provide attentive service.
  2. Build an email contact list. Many potential customers are more than willing to provide their email address for an incentive.ย It mayย be an entry for a prize or an instant discount. Start building an email marketing list and carefully utilize it to announce sales and promotions or to send digital email coupons. Email is an extremely cost-effective way to keep your company in front of prospects and to stay connected with customers.
  3. Co-promote with like-minded businesses with a similar target audience. Build mutually beneficial relationships with other businesses who have the same target audience. Mortgage brokers can work with real estate agents, jewelers with wedding cake bakers and home improvement contractors with furniture or appliance stores. Share the costs or flyers and advertising and work on a referral network.
  4. Use social media and content marketing. Start a blog about your area of specialty. Build your reputation as an expert in your field. Use social marketing to promote the blog and your business. Set aside time each week to freshen your social media and blog content and to respond to comments and emails. Create short videos about your product and services and upload online.
  5. Get involved. You can easily increase the visibility of your business by participating in civic events and creating a fundraiser for a favored charity or non-profit. Encourage staff to get involved. Community involvement is the right thing to do and it can increase your visibility and improve your reputation.

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