Preparing Your Home for a Natural Disaster

Preparing Your Home for a Natural Disaster

There are many variables in preparing a home for a natural disaster. Theย type of disaster in question, for example, will have a major impact. Will you need sandbags to minimize flooding damage or plywood panels to cover windows from flying debris?

There are, however, some basics every homeowner can undertake to make sure they are prepared for almost any eventuality. Many of these involve good routine home maintenance practices and having the appropriate supplies. Here are some of the steps you can take to make sure your home is ready for a natural disaster.

Keep Your Roof Properly Maintained

High winds can create a chain reaction of issues to cause damage to a home. Making sure your home has solid roofing is a good place to start in preparing for a natural disaster. This can minimize wind and water damage that can become extensive and expensive.

Keep Gutters Cleared

Clogged gutters and downspouts can cause a myriad of problems in heavy rains or even freezing rain and snow. Clogged gutters can create damage to roofs, siding and even the foundation.

Keep Trees Trimmed

Trees need to be kept properly trimmed to allow air to move through easier and minimize damage from falling dead or diseased limbs. Make sure trees are trimmed far enough in advance of high winds so the cut limbs don’t become projectiles.

Food and Supplies

Every home should always have a minimum of three days of non-perishable food and water. Along with food, an emergency kit should include a battery operated radio, batteries, flashlights, can opener, blankets, pillows and medical supplies and medicines.


In a power outage, credit card and ATM machines could become useless. Make sure you always have at least some cash on hand in such circumstances.

Cooking Source and Generator

A propane grill and portable gas generator can be invaluable following a natural disaster. Make sure you have at least one backup propane tank and spare gas for the generator. Make sure grills and generators are only operated in the open air.

Of course, you also want to make sure your homeowners’ insurance is up-to-date annually. Contact one of our independent insurance agents for a no-obligation insurance review and quote. Get the peace of mind you deserve by contacting us today.

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