The Problem With Life Insurance

The Problem With Life Insurance

If you think the problem with life insurance is its cost, you may be surprised. Life insurance is exceptionally affordable especially when purchased young and when healthy.

The problem with life insurance is not that it is complex. It comes in two basic forms, term insurance and permanent insurance. Term insurance is temporary and less expensive while permanent is, well, permanent, and builds value the longer it is in force.

The problem with life insurance is not that it is difficult to acquire. The vast majority of applicants can get approved without the need for any physical medical examination. One of our agents can get you started in just a few minutes.

So, if it is not a matter of cost, complexity or availability, what is the problem with life insurance?

It just may be the name.

You see, life insurance doesn’t really insure your life. It protects your loved ones financially in the event of your death. It probably didn’t take long, however, for companies to realize that “death insurance” wouldn’t have much appeal. So life insurance it is.

Perhaps it should be called “Life Endurance” because it helps families endure some of life’s greatest challenges. In its permanent form, life insurance can build cash value, helping you endure life’s little bumps in the road or to explore opportunities. It can even help pay for a college education. With term insurance, it can be purchased in large amounts, helping young families endure the decades they may be most at risk.

It may not be the perfect name. But life insurance has been proven as a valuable way for families to ensure their financial futures are secure in the event of the death of a loved one.

Discover the peace of mind life insurance can bring you and your family. Connect with one of our independent life insurance professionals to get started on a plan to secure your family’s future. We look forward to assisting you.

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