Having the Insurance “Talk” with Your Newly Driving Teen

Having the Insurance “Talk” with Your Newly Driving Teen

If you have a tween or teen, odds are there have been discussions in your home about the birds and bees, storks and/or cabbage patches. Some of us get at least some sense of relief when our kids will say “Yeah, Mom, I already know about that stuff” or “Dad, they discussed that in health class”. We know it’s awkward but it is important.

As your teen approaches driving age, there is another discussion that is important to have. It is regarding having that insurance “talk” with your new driver. What should be involved in this driving discussion with your teen?

The importance of responsibility.

Growing up is like climbing a ladder. A ladder isn’t, of and by itself, dangerous, but it can be. Driving is like those first few steps climbing on the ladder. To be able to climb higher these initial steps need to be done safely and responsibly. There may be other people in the car. There are other drivers on the road. A car must be kept under control. A young driver can not only hurt themselves but others as well.

The ramifications of failing in those responsibilities.

Driving is not a video game that can be re-set. There are real life ramifications. When there’s a problem, someone could be injured or even worse. Vehicles or properties can be damaged. Insurance rates can be quickly impacted. Your new driver should understand the financial impact a teenage driver already has on insurance rates for a family. Should an accident or even a speeding citation occur in these early years, the negative financial impact can be dramatic. They should know this and understand that driving, is in fact, a privilege. If they make a mistake, it could impact their ability to drive. If they make an error in judgement on these first few steps in climbing the ladder to adulthood, it won’t necessarily stop them from climbing again, but it could seriously impact their timeline. They need to know and understand this.

Adding a new driver to the family can both be a blessing an a curse. Talk to your teen about responsibilities when driving and yes, even the realities of expensive teen driver insurance rates. It can be a good way to get them more sure-footed on that ladder to adulthood.

Are you adding a new driver? Let us compare car insurance rates to find you the best value. Contact our independent insurance agents today.

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