HELP! New Teenage Driver in the House!

HELP! New Teenage Driver in the House!

There is a LOT going on when there’s a new teenage driver in the house. There is new anxiety while there is also a new-found sense of freedom. There may be an additional vehicle involved and the expenses of purchasing and maintaining it. There are new rules and boundaries to be set and likely a potential for a bit more friction.

Then there is (drum roll please…), the cost of automobile insurance.

Take a breath. Unclench your teeth and visit a pleasant place in your mind. You can get through this with the help of an independent insurance agent and a few tips.

Give yourself time to find an affordable, safe vehicle. Odds are what your teen wants and what you want may not even be found in the same decade. Compromises will have to be made. Affordable and safe can lead to lower insurance premiums and that is a good thing.

Talk to your teen about Good Student Discounts. You should have this conversation in the year leading up to their securing driving privileges. Good grades have real ramifications in this stage of their lives.

Look into Bundling Your Homeowners’ and Car Insurance. Now may be a good time to “bundle” insurance to maximize savings.

Inquire About Other Discounts. Perhaps other drivers have earned a safe driver discount, or you are driving your car less. Ask your agent about discounts other family members may qualify for.

Emphasize the Importance of Safe Driving for the Next Few Years. Safe driving and a clean driving record is critical, especially in the first few years as a driver. There will come a time when their car insurance rates will settle down and even lower, if they drive responsibly in these first few years. This includes minimizing distracted driving, driving defensively and obeying the rules of the road.

This Too, Shall Pass. Mistakes happen and teens will be teens. But lack of judgement when driving can be costly at this age. Hang on. Before you know it, you will wish they were 16 again. Well, maybe.

If you are expecting the addition of a new teen diver to the family, contact one of our independent insurance agents today. They work with a network of companies and can easily compare rates for you. They likely even know companies who may treat new drivers more gently than others. Find out more by connecting with us today!

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