Clean, Gray, Black: Types of Water Damage

Clean, Gray, Black Types of Water Damage

Water is an incredibly fascinating element. There are seemingly endless different ways to use water–from replenishing our bodies, to building snowmen. Water is one of lifeโ€™s greatest blessings.

Except when itโ€™s not.

Weather comes when it pleases, and it does not discriminate. Water is a powerful force when combined with Mother Nature, and can destroy whatโ€™s in its path. Unfortunately, sometimes, whatโ€™s in its path is our homes. In fact, water damage is one of the most common homeowners insurance claims.

Just like in nature, water takes different forms when it comes to water damage to our homes. There are three common types of water damage.

โ€œCleanโ€ Water Damage: Itโ€™s called clean water damage because thatโ€™s what it is–clean water. Typically, this type of water damage is a result of a bursted pipe, a malfunctioning appliance, or rainwater leaking through the roof. The water is fresh, clean water at first, which makes it the easiest water damage to take care of. To prevent any fungus growth in the saturated areas–like the drywall or carpet–clean and dry the affected area of your home. The quicker you dry the area, the less likely the water is to grow microbes which cause more serious water damage.

โ€œGrayโ€ Water Damage: This type of water damage can occur as a result of neglecting to take care of โ€œcleanโ€ water damage. When the water sets for too long, microbes, or mold, will start to grow, which contaminates the area, causing fungus growth. Gray water damage can also occur from snow or rain. An appliance malfunction, such as a toilet overflowing containing feces, can also cause gray water damage. Be especially careful when cleaning the affected area. Use gloves and wash well to prevent spreading the contamination.

โ€œBlackโ€ Water Damage: When water damage is labeled as โ€œblack,โ€ it is the most serious and dangerous kind of damage. The water is highly contaminated–from microbes, chemicals, bacteria, etc. Typically, black water damage is a result of a natural disaster or severe sewer issues. Without wearing proper protection, black water damage can pose a serious health risk to anyone who comes in contact with the water.

Beware that the names do not apply to the color of the water damage in your home.

When you have water damage to your home, it is essential that you take the proper precautions to prevent worsening the damage. Itโ€™s important for both your wallet and your health. Call a professional for proper instructions regarding how to clean and dry the area.

By: KayLynn P.

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