How to Spot a Drunk Driver

New Years is a time for celebration. What do Americans do to celebrate? Typically, it involves alcohol–sometimes too much of it. The good thing–taxi services exist through an app on your cell-phone that can get you a ride as quickly as possible. The bad thing–not everyone chooses to use the app. Some still choose to drive, even after too many drinks. Drunk driving can cause death within families and loss of important people. If you are on the road, and think someone may be driving drunk, call and report them to the police. You could be saving their life, or the life of another driver on the road.

Last year, Denver, Colorado increased the amount of DUI patrols in the city. As a result, 366 drivers were arrested for DUI. A total of 226 people died in alcohol-related crashes in Colorado in 2017. This is just one city.

Although there are enforcements against drunk driving, you should also be aware of other drivers. Be suspicious of everyone late at night, especially on holidays. Keep a close eye on those around you.

Signs that a driver could be drunk:

  • Weaving from side to side
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road
  • Driving on the shoulder of the road
  • Intense and unnecessary braking
  • Driving without turning the headlights on
  • Driving at a very low speed
  • Staying too close to the center lane marker
  • Making dangerously wide turns
  • Getting close to hitting another object or car
  • Tailgating
  • Rapidly accelerating

What to do when you think youโ€™ve spotted a drunk driver:

  • Your main priority is your safety at this point. Drive far behind the driver, after first memorizing the license plate and make/model of the car.
  • Find an alternate route.
  • Dial 911 to report the drunk driver. Give the police the information youโ€™ve gathered, plus the location and direction of travel. A description of exactly how the person was driving will also be necessary.
  • You shouldnโ€™t try to pass the driver. They will likely be making unexpected moves, or stop abruptly. Be very cautious, with lots of space between you and the other driver.
  • Let the police handle the situation.

Fact: โ€œOn average, a drunk driver will drive 80 times under the influence before their first arrest.โ€ย  By reporting a drunk driver, you are making the roads safer for everyone.

By: KayLynn P.

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