Insurance Term of the Day: CLUE Report

If youโ€™ve never heard of a CLUE report, it may sound a little mysterious. But you donโ€™t have to be a detective to figure out what a CLUE report is, and how it can benefit you.

The name CLUE is an acronym, but its purpose is to give you a โ€œclueโ€ into the history of a home or car.ย  CLUE stands for Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange. In summary, it is a report of your claims history for the last five to seven years. There is a report for auto insurance claims, and also one for home insurance claims.

A CLUE report includes the following information:

Your basic information:

  • Your name
  • Date of birth
  • Policy number


Information regarding the reported claims:

  • Policy number
  • Date of loss
  • Type of loss – plus a detailed description of the property loss
  • Amount the insurance company paid out
  • Possible claims are documented


After pulling a report, keep in mind that it is possible for a report to be completely blank. This happens when there have been no claims filed on the property for the last seven years, or if the insurance company insuring the home does not participate in the CLUE report program.

Most insurance companies keep a thorough history of claims information. This data helps them to determine risk. However, a CLUE report can benefit you, as well.

While purchasing your home insurance, usually the CLUE report will be available to you. It is a requirement for underwriting to pull the report while quoting your insurance. The report will show you any losses on the property–what type of loss, the date of loss, and how much the insurance company paid out on it. After reading the report, you will know how recent the loss was, and how severe it was by the cost. From weather-related losses, to thefts, or non-weather related water damage, thereโ€™s no guessing what condition the home is in. With a history of theft, you may not want to purchase the home, which could save you from a bad investment in the long run.

Next time youโ€™re buying home insurance, try asking your insurance agent if you can get a copy of your CLUE report. You may also be able to pull your CLUE report by calling LexisNexis services at 1-866-312-8076.ย  Youโ€™ll be happy you did.

By: KayLynn P.

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