International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

Since 1909, International Women’s Day has been observed in honor of the women’s protest against working conditions in New York. International Women’s Day takes place on March 8th.

Women have constantly fought for their rights, for equality. Amazing progress has been made and continues to be made. In honor of International Women’s Day, we will discuss feminine traits that all women should be proud of. While these traits also apply to men, these traits are common in the majority of women.

1. Compassion and Empathy. Women have a deeper sense of understanding of other people. They are more aware of the needs and feelings of other people, making them more empathetic for what struggles others may face.

2. Women being mothers makes us more nurturing. We are supportive of the growth of others and have a natural ability to take care of other people when they need it.

3. We are cooperative. We are able to work in unison with each other, supporting each other’s goals.

4. Women are approachable. We are not assertive, instead, we are kind and receptive.

5. Intuitive. Because women are empathic, we are easily more able to sense the feelings of others, which makes us intuitive. We are able to trust our gut.

6. Sensitivity. Although it’s a challenge to be sensitive, it’s a great thing. Google’s definition of sensitive is “quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals, or influences.” We have no control over our ability to feel things deeply and intensely, which we should take pride in. It makes us more aware.

7. Patience. Our understanding and empathy make us able to have patience with others. We know the struggles that influence others’ actions, which gives us a sense of respect that makes us patient.

8. Women are wonderful multi-taskers. Although our brains aren’t well equipped to multi-task, we have a stronger ability to think of multiple things at once than men typically do.
9. We are soft. Our soft, kind hearts make us vulnerable to the outside world. However, a soft heart is full of love while a hardened heart is defensive.

10. We are graceful. Femininity is a graceful energy that brings a lovely feel to any room.

As women, we should embrace the traits that make us the wonderful beings we are. We should feel empowered, and the rest of the world will continually learn to respect that.

By: KayLynn P.

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