Reasons to Care For Your Health

Reasons to Care For Your Health

Whatโ€™s your guilty pleasure? We all have at least one, if not more. Like eating ice cream for breakfast or releasing anxiety with a cigarette. We all choose to indulge in the things we should only use in moderation sometimes. Thatโ€™s a part of life. While most things are good in moderation, those same things can cause major health issues when used excessively.

We only get one life. And itโ€™s short. Sometimes, we have to remind ourselves of whatโ€™s more valuable–our lives, or a short-lived craving.

I can only imagine how itโ€™ll feel to be near-death. The feeling of wanting a longer life will be inevitable. Right now, in this moment, we can begin to appreciate our health and our lives enough to make health-conscious sacrifices towards a better self.

Here are a few reasons to remember to take care of our bodies with the hopes of increasing the length and quality of our lives.

โ— The most obvious reason, is, of course, our families. Family gives us a greater sense of purpose. Family holds us to a higher standard for one reason–they care. They want whatโ€™s best for us, and would never want to watch us suffer. Our families help us grow and make us want to be better.

โ— The strong bonds and friendships we have that bring laughter and joy to our lives. The longer the friendship lasts, the better.

โ— It feels good to feel good. Right? Being in good health means physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

โ— The incomprehensible beauty of nature. Itโ€™s amazing how looking at nature can actually change our mood. A healthy lifestyle gives us the ability to travel and see the world into our older ages.

โ— Not to mention, the healthier you are, the cheaper your health insurance rates will be.

โ— Being alive to meet our grandchildren, and our grandchildrenโ€™s children.

โ— Trying new things, experiencing cultures that are entirely different from our own.

โ— Having a long marriage, the kind of marriage people ask what the secret is to having.

โ— Growing into the person you always dreamed you could be through years of wisdom.

By: KayLynn P.

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