First Jobs of Famous People

First Jobs of Famous People

What was your first job? For many of us, it was in our teens and probably had little to do with what we are doing today. For most, their first jobs are more about learning about money, responsibility, and teamwork than they are about building skills or a career.

For some celebrities, having famous parents almost predetermined their careers. Others, however, took a more traditional route. Here is a look at some famous peopleโ€™s first job.

Dwayne Johnson

What makes Dwayne โ€œThe Rockโ€ Johnson so tough and successful? Maybe it was his job as a dishwasher at a restaurant. Dwayne washed dishes for about 8 hours a day, starting when he was just 13. That is likely to toughen anybody up!

Taylor Swift

She may not have washed dishes or flipped burgers for a living, but Taylor Swift did have a job that didn’t involve singing. She apparently had the job of removing praying mantis pods from Christmas trees before they were sold to customers.

Brad Pitt

One of Brad Pitt’s first jobs was also restaurant related. He dressed up as a chicken to hand out fliers and promote El Pollo Loco. Pitt also drove a limo briefly before getting his first real acting jobs in soap operas.

Halle Berry

Although she was named for Halle’s Department Store in Cleveland, one of her first jobs was actually at competitor Higbee’s Department Store in the city. Her very first job was actually selling cookies, which she reportedly hated.


Beyonce’s first job was at a beauty salon, but not as a hairdresser. When she was just six years old, she began sweeping floors at her mother’s salon, a job she continued to perform until she was nine.

The list goes on and on. Barack Obama scooped ice cream at a Baskin-Robbins, Jennifer Aniston sold timeshares over the phone and worked as a bicycle messenger, and Tom Cruise was a busboy. What was your first job?

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