Natural Remedies to Winter Illness

Cold weather is bad enough. We donโ€™t want to add a head cold to the physical cold, thatโ€™s a double whammy. If you want to take preventative measures against illness this winter, there are healthy, natural remedies that can boost your immune system and fight the symptoms off.

1. Take Vitamin C supplements. The benefits of Vitamin C have been studied for years. Itโ€™s a strong antioxidant that helps boost your immune system. Although itโ€™s not yet scientifically proven, some believe that taking Vitamin C can stop a cold in its tracks.

2. Probiotics. Studies provide evidence that probiotics can help fight off colds. There is โ€œhealthy bacteriaโ€ in probiotics that can kill the germs causing you to get sick. Probiotics promote gut health, and oftentimes, illness starts in the gut. You can take probiotics as a supplement.

3. Garlic. Believe it or not, garlic serves many purposes other than making your breath smell. . . garlicky. Garlic boosts immune function; it can decrease the risk of illness, the length of time in which you are ill, and reduce symptoms of your illness. Plus, itโ€™s delicious!

4. Ginger tea. Ginger holds antiviral properties. When taken at the first sign of illness, ginger can help fight off a cold.

5. Steam. Boil a pot of water over the stove and inhale the steam. This will help with any congestion symptoms you are facing.

6. Zinc supplements. Zinc will help treat the symptoms of your cold.

7. Vapor rub. Breathe easier.

8. Add some raw honey to your tea. Honey will help soothe a sore throat.

9. Elderberry syrup. Elderberry studies have shown that they prevent the influenza infection and helps reduce the symptoms of the flu.

10. As always, stay hydrated.

If you start to feel a cold coming on, stay calm. Mother Nature has remedies for you to relieve the awful symptoms of illness.

By: KayLynn P.

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