The Things That Protect You When Driving

The Things That Protect You When Driving

When we climb into our vehicles, we rarely give thought to the many elements that go into making driving on our roads and in our cars safer and less risky. Many of these have taken years to be implemented and others have been added more quickly and recently. Driving is safer now than it was a generation or two ago and these are the factors that have decreased our risks on the roadways.

Car Safety Devices

The list of car safety features that have been added to vehicles is lengthy and extensive. They include:

  • Car horns
  • Rearview mirrors
  • Seat belts/harnesses
  • Improved bumpers
  • Airbags
  • Turn signals and flashers
  • Brake lights
  • High Beams
  • Anti-lock braking
  • Padded dashboards
  • Improved tires
  • Improved windshields and glass
  • Blind spot and lane change assist features
  • Pedestrian detection and front end collision avoidance
  • Back up collision avoidance systems

Our cars have been made safer through greater visibility, technology and structural design. We may look back upon some classic cars romantically, but there is no question cars are being produced today that are much safer than they were a generation or two ago.

Road and Highway Safety Features

Most of us don’t even realize the small updates to our roads that are being made as they are constructed and improved. These include safer barriers and road grades between oncoming traffic lanes, cushioned bridge abutments, improved reflective lane paint and reflectors, better exit and entranceways and so much more. Our roads today are better lit, have improved visibility and less dramatic turns. Roads are being improved by research, engineering, design and experience and it is paying off with safer highways.

Automobile Insurance

Another feature that minimizes risks when driving is our automobile insurance. While most states require coverage, the fact is, life would be much riskier without it. In an instant, we could lose the things we worked for or not have the resources to restore our health. Automobile insurance helps protect us, our families and our financial futures. We may not always appreciate our car insurance invoices, but we should at least recognize the protection it provides. Life would be much riskier without it.

If you are unsure whether you are paying too much for your auto insurance or not, we encourage you to compare. Contact one of our independent insurance agents and allow them to shop our network of insurance companies. They can find terrific coverage at a price you can feel comfortable with. Best of all, there is no cost or obligation to see how much you can save.

Do you have questions about your insurance? Find an insurance agent near you with our Agent Finder

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