Fuel Your Business with a Blog

Fuel Your Business with a Blog

If you are a business owner, even the smallest of business owners, you can add fuel to your marketing efforts with your own business related blog. Blogs are relatively easy, inexpensive and can help you reach the people looking for products and services you offer. They have the added benefit of positioning you as an expert.

Where To Start

Blogs are generally posted on the writer’s website, but there are also a number of sites that host blogs. Start by coming up with a series of topics you may feelย are ofย interest to your customers and potential customers. If you get the same questions over and over on the phone or through emails, these can be good topic starters.

What to Include

Blogs should contain valuable, actionable tips revolving around your business. โ€œWhat to Watch for When Buying a Diamondโ€, โ€œFive Quick Tips to a Longer Lasting Carโ€ and โ€œAvoiding Common Mistakes by First Time Home Buyersโ€ are a few. Blogs can be interesting and entertaining but most of all they should make the reader glad they read it.

How Long Should a Blog Be?

Well written, compelling blogs can be up to 1,000 words, but writers can take some pressure offย themselves by keeping blogs to 400-500 words. It is not a bad thing if a prospect reaches out to you with questions.

How Often Should I Blog?

You should blog at least once a week if possible. Keep in mind blogs can be split into a multiple part series if the subject warrants it.

Promote Your Blogs.

Make sure you promote your blog in your emails and social media. Ask people to share and like the info ifย they feel compelled to. You can also reach out to readers for subject materialย for future blogs.

Blogs are a terrific way to open a dialogue with customer and prospects, keeping you top of mind when they are ready to make a buying decision.

Finally, keep in mind blogs don’t always have to be directly associated with your business. For example, we blog more often about business related subjects than we do about business insurance itself. We do, however, want you to keep us in mind when it comes to your questions about business insurance or to get a free quote. After all, that’s what blogs are all about!

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