Slow Down!

Today, we are all absolutely absorbed in technology. Myself included. Our cell phones are glued to our hands, our eyes are glued to the screen. A question pops into your head, and itโ€™s so easy to get onto our cell phoneโ€™s internet and Google the answerโ€”thatโ€™s if you can hold onto the thought long enough to remember what the question was in the first place.

Research shows that a human beingโ€™s attention span is now shorter than that of a goldfish. Let that sink in. I actually laughed out loud when I read that, though I, myself, am also a human being with an eight-second attention span (compared to a nine-second span for a goldfish.) Our minds are moving so quickly, from one thought to the next before we can even finish the first one. No doubt, itโ€™s because of the advancement in technology and how quick the internet has become.

With our minds moving at an estimated seven and a half thoughts per minute, what does that do to our general well-being? More students than ever are reporting overwhelming anxiety levels. The first symptom listed of anxiety is โ€œexcessive, ongoing worry.โ€ How many of you can relate to that statement? Constantly stressed out about your circumstances, and where the future of both you and the rest of the world is headed? I relate.

Slow. Down.

Your mind is running non-stop, your hands become sweaty, your breathing becomes abnormal. The uncertainty of the future runs your anxiety levels higher than normal.


Take a deep breath.

The benefits of meditation go beyond anything external. The point of meditation is to try to train your brain to let your thoughts pass. Can you imagine? A thought comes, and you simply let it go. How many of you allow yourself to do that? Or do you have a thought, which leads to another thought, which leads to a question, which leads toโ€”anxiety.



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