Stress-Relieving Herbs

Itโ€™s a beautiful, wonderful thing that our planet naturally grows plants that nourish us. Fruits and veggies provide vitamins and minerals that are known to benefit us in numerous ways.

Amazingly, there are even herbs that help relieve the symptoms of anxiety. Theyโ€™re called adaptogenic herbs.

What are adaptogens?

Based on, there are a few qualifications that a plant must meet to be considered an adaptogen.

  • The herb must be non-toxic.
  • It must benefit your health in numerous ways.
  • It must reduce stress.

Here are a few different examples of adaptogenic herbs.

  1. Holy basil. Also called โ€œThe Incomparable One,โ€ Holy Basil gets its name for a reason. Itโ€™s considered the most sacred herb in India. Holy Basil โ€œenhances the bodyโ€™s natural ability to respond to physical and emotional stress.โ€
  1. Ashwagandha. The hormone in the body that causes stress is called cortisol. Ashwagandha has been proven to significantly lower cortisol, reducing stress.
  1. Panax ginseng. Ginseng is a rare root that grows in deciduous forests. There are people who make a living off of hunting, collecting, and selling ginseng. Ginseng helps to restore balance in your body to enhance healing abilities.
  1. Maca. This root only grows at high altitudes. The root is known to increase stamina and energy. Maca has been proven to have a positive effect on your mood.
  1. Rhodiola rosea. Also has been called arctic root and kingโ€™s crown. This herb helps your body adapt to stress and respond to it in a healthier way. In other words, rhodiola rosea โ€œincreases resistance to stressโ€ which helps reduce the symptoms.

As stress becomes more common in your life as an adult, consider these all-natural remedies. Talk to a professional about your stress/anxiety, and see if taking herbal supplements could be beneficial for you.

By: KayLynn P.

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