Teaching Teens Workplace Rights and Responsibilities

Teaching Teens Workplace Rights and Responsibilities

Parents, where did all the time go? You blinked during a diaper change once, and just like that, your toddlers became young adults. The teenage years can be bittersweet. Congratulations, itโ€™s nearly time to retire from your part-time job as an unpaid taxi driver! Another bonus: the holes you thought you had in your pockets will suddenly vanish. Itโ€™s time for your teens to learn how much more valuable money is when theyโ€™re earning it by working. As your kids age, it gets difficult to distinguish tears of sadness from tears of joy. . .

Having a job before graduating from high school provides young adults the opportunity to gain experience while acquiring a strong work ethic to set a firm foundation for their futures. Teens learn to think twice about what they purchase. The objects that once seemed to hold significant value will no longer seem worthy of their hard-earned money.

The workplace environment is a foreign world for first-time employees. Teens will be given new responsibilities. As an employee, teens play a role in the overall success of a business. Explain to them how important it is that these new responsibilities are properly executed. Have your teen read the following suggestions to help ensure the success of your worker bee.

  • Even if you are overwhelmed, pay close attention during your training. Understanding workplace safety is one of the biggest responsibilities you have.
  • Ask every single question you have. The answer to your questions will provide the clarity needed to get the job done correctly and safely.
  • Every job position has unique risk exposures. Know the dangers you are facing to understand why safety is crucial.
  • Slow and steady wins the race. Work slowly and learn to get the task done right.
  • Always be aware of your environment.
  • If you ever feel threatened or unsafe, alert a supervisor immediately.

Teens: Understanding your rights as an employee can help you recognize a violation of such rights.

  • You have the right to a safe and comfortable working environment. It is also within your rights to report any hazard that threatens your safety
  • You have the right to deny work that does not follow state or federal laws.
  • You have the right to use of safety gear to perform dangerous tasks.
  • You have the right to hazard information regarding any chemicals or machinery that you are required to use.
  • You are entitled to payment for earned labor.
  • You have the right to workers compensation, when applicable.


Use this guide to equip your teenager for the real-world.

By: KayLynn P.

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