Water Damage

In my childhood home, my basement flooded. The result? Stress and frustration for my parents and the destruction of everything low to the ground in storage. Although this was thirteen years ago, this event still impacts me today. Why? Because all the pictures, all the memories of my childhood, were destroyed in the flood.

The point I’m trying to make is just how important it can be to take precautions to prevent water damage in your home. Though your insurance may cover water damage, you simply can’t replace objects that hold sentimental value.

What are some of the causes of water damage?

  • Blocked gutters
  • Leaky pipes
  • Issues with plumbing
  • Heavy rainstorms or natural disasters

If you have dirty gutters, that’s an easy fix and can save you the trouble of water damage. Things like leaky pipes and plumbing may be a little costly to get taken care of, but can save you from filing a claim with your insurance company in the future. After you file a claim, your insurance rates could potentially go up. Over time, this could end up costing you more than a quick visit from the plumber would have costed.

Since you have no control over natural disasters, it can be a really good thing to purchase a water/fireproof box for all of your meaningful photos and important documents, just in case.

What would you put in your waterproof box in case of a flood?

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