Ways to Show Your Valentine Your Love

1. Buy flowers. Pick the flowers that make you think of your significant other.

2. An age-old tradition, chocolates. Who doesn’t love chocolate?

3. A special piece of jewelry that represents your love and commitment to your partner.

4. A night out at a special place, possibly the first place you met or kissed.

5. Take your love to see a movie and buy him/her all their favorite snacks.

6. Fill a basket with all their favorite things.

7. Plan to cook a meal together at your home. Pick a meal that you both enjoy and grab a bottle of wine while you’re cooking.

8. Sing a song to your significant other.

9. Dance together in the kitchen.

10. Pick a fancy place, get dressed up, and go out.

11. Discuss with your partner that love is beyond all material objects. Love is not about gifts.

12. Write a heartfelt letter about the way you feel for your partner. Words are powerful–so powerful; they can touch the heart of others.

13. Surprise your partner with breakfast in bed.

14. Buy your love a special colored rose and write a note about the meaning of the color. For example, if you are new lovers, an orange rose might be appropriate–it means “fascination.” Write a note about how fascinating your partner is; they just keep drawing your attention back in!

15. If you have kids, include your children in Valentine’s festivities and express the love you have for each other and for your children.

Remember, Valentine’s Day is about love. Each person has their own love language, and their own way to express love. Learn your partner’s love language to touch their heart in a very special way.

By: KayLynn P.

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