Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue

In regards to Columbus Day, here are some facts you may not already know. The factsย  below are from

  • Christopher Columbus was born in 1451
  • He was born in what is known as Italy today
  • In a world full of flat-earth believers, Columbus knew the earth is round.
  • His goal was to find a new route India, China, and the Spice Islands by sailing west instead of east.
  • The ships involved in this voyage were called the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria, which carried about 90 men altogether.
  • He landed on an island in the Bahamas on 10/12/1492. For awhile, Columbus Day was celebrated on October 12 for that reason. After it became a federal holiday, however, it was celebrated on the second Monday of October every year.
  • It became a federal holiday in 1971.
  • Colorado became the first state to declare this day as a holiday on April 7, 1907.
  • He sailed the Atlantic ocean for 10 weeks.
  • The island he arrived on he named San Salvador. He searched for stones and explored the island.
  • He died May 20, 1506.
  • There is a great debate about what kind of person Christopher Columbus was. It is said that he was harsh to the native people on the land. Some say he was the cause of the destruction of the land belonging to the native peoples. Was Columbus someone we should still be celebrating?
  • Some states have denounced Columbus Day as a holiday. California is one of them. Instead, they celebrate Indigenous Peopleโ€™s Day. Honorably, this holiday celebrates the native peoples. They are supporting their rights and needs. Will Indigenous Peoples Day continue to replace Columbus Day in the states?

By: KayLynn P.

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