Common House-Fire Causes And Prevention

The following is a list of common causes of house fires, and tips for prevention. The goal is to make you aware of the need for safety in these particular instances.


  • Smoking in the home. Unfortunately, this is a very common cause of housefires. You could easily cancel out this risk by smoking outdoors, instead. If you risk smoking inside, do NOT smoke in bed while you’re sleepy. Always thoroughly put out the ashes from your cigarettes and properly dispose of it.
  • Unattended candles. When you light it, make yourself a mental note to put it out before you go anywhere. Also, keep it a good distance from any flammable objects. Only light on a fire-resistant surface.
  • Electrical equipment. Typically, this happens from overuse of electricity from an outlet with too many things plugged in. Or, a frayed cord. If an appliance has a frayed cord, simply don’t use it. It’s dangerous. Keep updated appliances in your home. Unplug all cords that you are not using when you leave your home, such as your phone charger.
  • Cooking equipment. Do not leave oil on the heat too long. Stay near your food while it’s cooking, or ask someone else to attend to it while you step away.
  • Keep matches and lighters far from the reach of children.
  • Flammable Liquids. Keep these liquids in a safe place, away from any source of heat.
  • Portable Heaters/Fireplaces should be kept at least three feet from any flammable objects such as furniture.


The importance of your smoke detector may go right over your head. Most deaths by fire occur in homes that either have malfunctioning alarms or no alarm system at all. You should have alarms in every room of your home. Be sure they have working batteries and are checked monthly. You must replace them every 5-10 years depending on your specific smoke detector. Having a working fire alarm could not only reduce the amount of damage done, but could also save your life in the event of a fire.

By: KayLynn P.

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